Our rehabilitation pushchairs and to help your children do just that whilst maintaining their comfort and happiness. The buggies in the Kimba Family are customisable and adapt to suit the individual needs of your child.
Overall, the Kimba Neo adapts not only to your child but offer these vital features:
With the seat tilt mechanism, you can tip the seat to various positions: The rest position relieves strain on your child's spine. The active position activates the muscles in the torso. Even though you can switch between the active and rest positions with ease, all original settings are retained.
The back support adapts to the needs of the child. The knee and hip angle can be continuously adjusted in parallel as well. The angles can also be adjusted to more or less than 90 degrees.
The Kimba Neo rehab buggy is even suitable for sleeping, because it can be adjusted to the horizontal. This is especially handy for nappy changes.
The seat can be easily rotated in the direction of travel or the opposite direction. This ensures a quick response in case of seizures. You always maintain close contact and can see your child.